Within 24 hours, we will confirm your registration by phone or email.
Once your registration is confirmed, we will email your the invoice and payment details.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q:Can I change order details after order submission?
A:You can send simply send an email or call for informational and delivery details updates. Order changes related to production material should be made at least 48 hours before delivery, please call or email us.
Q:When will I receive order confirmation and payment details?
A:Our operation team checks for new order every half an hour, and answers all order placement within 24 hours. Urgent requests should be placed by phone.
Do you have an upcoming workshop, conference, or party that would be of interest to our members?
We'll promote your event to our members. ASIA CEO COMMUNITY has several options available to promote your event; ranging from website promotion to distribution through our yearbook, social networks, and newsletters. Please contact us for more information