Asia CEO Community Membership
Helping you become a smarter, better, and more trustworthy business professional
Why you should join Asia CEO Community?
The Asia CEO Community is a dynamic and influential network of business leaders, decision-makers, and industry experts across various sectors in Asia. By becoming corporate members, we open doors to a multitude of advantages and resources that can propel your business growth.
Access to a Vast Network: The Asia CEO Community provides unparalleled access to a vast network of influential individuals and organizations in Asia.
Knowledge Sharing and Best Practices: The community hosts regular events, conferences, and forums where leaders from diverse industries share their experiences, expertise, and best practices.
Business Development Opportunities: The Asia CEO Community serves as an excellent platform for business development.
Talent Acquisition and Retention: As a member, you gain visibility among top-tier professionals in Asia. This visibility can enhance company brand and attract high-caliber talent to join your organization.
Thought Leadership and Branding: Active participation in the Asia CEO Community positions us as thought leaders in our industry and showcases our expertise to a wide audience.
Advocacy and Influence: The Asia CEO Community wields significant influence and serves as a collective voice for its members. By joining as corporate members, we gain a platform to advocate for our business interests, contribute to policy discussions, and influence decision-making processes at regional and national levels.

Standard membership members will be able to enjoy our services below:
CEO Executive UP-TO-DATE
CEO Executive Monthly newsletter
CEO Executive Knowledge Sharing
CEO Shop
CEO Webinar
Invitation to our CEO Whatsapp Group
Invitation to our Linkedin Group
Invitation to our FaceBook Group
C-level membership members will be able to enjoy our services below:
CEO Executive UP-TO-DATE
CEO Executive Monthly newsletter
CEO Executive Knowledge Sharing
CEO Shop
CEO Webinar
Wine Tasting Events
Invitation to our CEO Whatsapp Group
Invitation to our Linkedin Group
Invitation to our FaceBook Group
CEO Executive Directory
CEO Webinar
CEO Executive Forum
Invitation to Monthly Luncheon Event
Exclusive to C-Level Executive Members
Business Matching & Referral Services
Investors Connections
C-Level Roundtable
Business Owner Roundtable
Invite to CEO Interview
Free access to our Monthly Luncheon Event
Access to Business Referral Program
Special Discount to our CEO Shop
Corporate membership members will be able to enjoy our services below:
All privileges of C-Level Membership plus
All your C-level direct reports can participate in committees and events.
ASIA CEO COMMUNITY Member-to-Member Discount Program - Your company has the opportunity to offer special pricing and programs to ASIA CEO COMMUNITY members, generating business for you.
Your company logo on our web site.
A free supporting sponsorship for the ASIA CEO COMMUNITY CEO Round-table.
A 50% discount on other ASIA CEO COMMUNITY sponsorship opportunities.
Unlimited access to CEO Connection Business directory.
Event Hosting Supports
Products & Services Marketing Support
Business Matching & Referral Services
Investors Connections
Annual Fee: 150 USD
Annual Fee: 2,000 USD
Annual Fee: 4,000 USD
Standard Membership is open to all, and is a great way to start your ASIA CEO COMMUNITY journey. With Standard membership you can access the ASIA CEO COMMUNITY's online resources and expertise, including our Monthly business updates and online business forum.
C-Level Membership is open specially for the top management of the company who is looking for exchange of ideas, innovation, and best practice.
Include but not limited to
Chief People Officer (CPO)
Chief Marketing Officer (CMO)
Chief Information Officer (CIO)
Chief Technology Officer (CTO)
Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Chief Operation Officer (COO)
Chief Finance Officer (CFO)
Vice Presidents (VPs)
Executive Director
Managing Director
Managing Partner
General Manager