​About Us
Asia Chief Executive Officer Community (ASIA CEO Community) is a global business network and leadership development organization. ASIA CEO Community was founded by Mr. Gary Lam in 2013 in Hong Kong, to create a nurturing environment for CEOs dedicated to improving the quality and profitability of their enterprises through shared experience and personal growth. ASIA CEO Community is the top networking group for expat & local professionals in major cities in the APAC region.

Connects the dots between startups, industry leaders, experts and investors. Encourage Business Leaders and decision makers to share information, knowledges, ideas, and best business practices. To make our members to be more productive and successful
Mission & Vision Statement
To grow nationally, representing the diversity of business in Asia, the academia and the "not for profit" sector
To provide opportunities for learning, fellowship and camaraderie in a supportive and completely secure environment
To act as a bipartisan think tank on policy issues involving community, business and, and to be a force for common good